The best thing about any multi-pocket system is that it saves your time and energy otherwise required to ransack for any small item. We present to you a trendy, shiny, and ultra-useful bag that can be folded into one single pouch. It is available in beautiful colors to segregate your mini or micro items, properly zip locked for convenience.
With transparent plastic pouches, one can easily cite the desired thing to be looked at a glance. One can carry it anywhere with it being light-weight yet with high carrying capacity.
- Amazing multi-pocket bag with proper chains to store your stuff
- Folds into a small pouch
- Has a hanger kind of strap to pull in and pull out easily of the main bag
- Manage your existing space in an efficient manner
- Best fit for storing cosmetics, toiletries, and jewelry
- Colors: Black / Red
- Dimensions: 25 x 48 x 5 cm