Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and promote balance. However, for those who are needle-phobic or have a fear of needles, traditional acupuncture may not be an option. That's where the Acupuncture Pen comes in.
The Acupuncture Pen is a needle-free alternative to traditional acupuncture that uses laser technology to stimulate the same points on the body. This handheld device is designed to be easy to use and can be self-administered at home.
One of the major benefits of the Acupuncture Pen is that it is completely painless. The laser emits a low-level light that activates the acupuncture points, providing the same therapeutic benefits as traditional acupuncture without the discomfort of needles.
Are you wondering how to use it?Press the pen onto affected areas, and it will release an electric pulse to stimulate the meridian and acupuncture points in your body for healing and pain relief.
- Acupuncture has done without piercing the skin
- The fusion of modern biotechnology
- Three types of heads available including dome type, node type, and spheroidal type
- Affordable, Simple operation and easy to carry
- Easy to use and it only needs AA battery to function
- Voltage:DC1.5V(one AA battery, not included)
- Output:3.7V;300mA+/-50mA
- Pulse Frequency: 0.01-300Hz
- Pulse Width:100us-320us
- Maximum Output Extent:500ohm
- Load Voltage: 3.3V
- Dimension: 200*30mm