800+Sold,Hot Sales!!!
- Powered by a Hand Drill - no additional power source needed, To be fitted with any electic drill or power drill with 3000RPM.
- Light and compact - Fits perfectly in the corner of your toolbox, excellent cutting speed by 3 metres per minute with 3000 RPM.
- Changeable direction at operation - Cutting Heads adjust 360° for easy cutting in any space.
- Different cutting shapes available - Cuts any shape to 12 mm radius, best cutting result without any burrs at the cutting edges.

- Cutting Thickness - Cuts material up to 2mm thick.
- Cutting Shapes - Cuts corrugated, round, and complex shapes to a 12mm radius.
12 GAUGE - Copper, brass, aluminum.
14 GAUGE - Mild steel.
18 GAUGE - Stainless steel.
- Other Material - Fiberglass, plexiglass, wood, vinyl, laminate, plastic, gutters, tiles, flooring, frames, studs, pipes and many other materials.
Package Includes:
- 1 x DOMOM Zipbite - Nibbler Cutter Drill Attachment Double Head Metal Sheet
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